Discerning Direction Together

Discerning Direction Together is a team direction assessment designed to understand how the Lord is leading us together in ministry for this season. It is a team listening process, reflecting on how the Holy Spirit is uniquely guiding us together.  It is a process to discern, share, and create together.

The result of Discerning Direction Together (DDT) is the captivating vision or heart concern that motivates you to extraordinary levels of sacrifice together. In other words, it is your ministry, burden, and passion;  it is the unique calling for this season. It defines where you believe the Lord is leading you in this season for contribution to His Kingdom.

Defining your personal DDT statement is step 1 in the process.  It is not the only thing you can- or ever will do- to contribute meaningfully to the Kingdom of God. It is not a license for you to chase the statement in isolation away from the Body of Christ, and it is not the exact same for every season of your life.  Rather, it is how you can live into- and connect with the team around you.  It is a way for you to honor God’s unique leading in your life in the context of relationships.


  • Guided process to develop your Personal Discerning Direction Statement
  • Mapped out process for team leaders to engage their team
  • Integrated 6 month review of the Team Discerning Direction Statement
  • Team Leader guides for understanding and empowering each team member
  • Facilitation guides for multiple meetings

Process Overview