Connect Conversations

Upcoming Topics:

OCT – I Didn’t Know What to Do



Connect Conversations are designed to give you an opportunity to learn with- and from- others who share similar interests in using the Grip-Birkman.

Watch the quick introduction by Connect Team Leader, Matt Blake, to hear his desire and focus for these conversations.

Click Here to Join

Join us the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Noon Pacific Time / 3P Eastern Time.

Coming up in October…

I Didn’t Know What to Do

So, you bumbled through in spite of feeling lost, over your head.  Join a conversation about the confusion we experience and mistakes we must deal with as we lead team builds.  Learn from one another so we all might be smoother the next time.

So often we fear the unexpected, the question we don’t know how to answer, the person who disagrees with the results.  Coaches need to know how to deal with these unique circumstances.

Tuesday, October 19th @ 12P PDT / 3P EDT / 7P UTC

CLICK HERE to join

In case you missed it…

Coach Self-Care and Connections

Matt Blake guides us to reflect on our own self-care, the care of those we coach, and ways our community is building resilience through connecting with one another.

In case you missed it…


Rob Toews discusses ways he is using Grip-Birkman with Students.  Watch below to hear some great ideas around 3 main questions:

  1. Helping students understand who they are
  2. Helping students connect to others
  3. Helping students process their faith

In case you missed it…


Ken DeMaere discussed ways he is using Grip-Birkman in conflict management and resolution.  Watch below to hear some great ideas about how to leverage the potential of both Grip and Birkman in the context of these challenging situations.

In case you missed it…


Les Cool discussed ways he is using Grip-Birkman in coaching church planters.  Watch below to hear some great ideas about how to leverage the potential of both Grip and Birkman in the context of this unique calling.

In case you missed it…


Les Bon-Bernard discussed ways he is using Grip-Birkman with his church staff.  Watch below to hear some great ideas about how to leverage the potential of both Grip and Birkman in the context of your staff.

Find out more

If you would like to join into the conversation, and connect with others, please reach out to Matt Blake for more information.  We would love to have you share your experience– and your questions!

© Copyright 2022 - GRIP-Birkman - a product of I to We, Inc